I am feeling triumphant. I actually made bread that tastes delicious. I had three pieces just to be sure, and it really is delicious. I made adjustments a recipe from Allrecipes.com. I didnโ€™t have quite enough whole wheat flour so I used 2/3 cup of quick cook oats. I halved this recipe to make 2 small loaves but I really should have just made one as they were a bit on the small side. Halfway through the baking process, I brushed the loaves with melted butter to help them brown a little more.

I sliced and toasted the bread to make these little breakfast sandwiches with eggs and ham.

Here is my adapted this recipe from Allrecipes.com by halving it an using 2/3 cup of quick cook oats in place of the whole wheat flour. I would actually make it this way again even if I wasnโ€™t completely out of flour. The texture was really light and pleasantly crunchy around the edges.